Public Sectors & Government

As the economy grows and the people’s values are diversified, Japan’s society is being faced with new challenges. PMI-J Research Institute works with government agencies and other public sector entities to help them find what is behind the problems and what should be done to improve the situations.
Our task is to provide support in the area of government policy formation. Our expertise has influenced such areas as work-life balance, victim assistance, education and more.

Research and Analysis

In order to understand the nature of a problem, in-depth research as well as analysis is a must. We conduct wide range of research activities such as nationwide questionnaire survey, bibliographic survey, and statistical analysis.


To find what is behind the problems and what should be done to improve the situation, PMI-J Consulting has developed the methodology of survey to meet our customers’ needs. We employ well-developed data mining techniques to uncover unseen phenomena of the society.
With our expertise and techniques, we contribute to our customers’ decision-making process and help them to find better solutions to their challenges.

Process of Survey Research

It is essential for policy-makers to properly grip a trend of the field with which they are concerned. At PMI-J Consulting, we provide fine-tuned services in conducting a research.
    ・ Preliminary discussion with customers to find their needs
    ・ Survey designs to make the trend apparent
    ・ Conducting surveys
        - paper-based questionnaires
        - web-based surveys
        - interviews
    ・ Data processing and data mining
    ・ Report writing

Conference Management

We provide comprehensive support to make conferences successful.
Our services include the followings:
    ・ Pre-event planning and management
    ・ Program design
    ・ Public relations
    ・ On-site management
    ・ Post event evaluation and report writing